All posts by Rasmus Stene

Norwegian Go Championships 2024

Tournament information

Tournament system: 5 rounds MacMahon
Rule system: EGF rules with 6½ komi
Playing time: Fischer, 45 minutes + 15s/move

Tournament Fee
normal: 200kr
student/retirees: 100kr
First tournament/under 15: Free


Saturday October 26thSunday October 27th
10:00 Registration
10:30 Registration ends
10:45 Round 1
14:00 Round 2
17:00 Dinner
18:00 Round 3
10:00 Round 4
13:00 Round 5
16:00 Closing ceremony


The tournament will take place in Oslo at Ole-Johan Dahls hus located at Gaustadalleen 23.

The easiest way to get there from the city center is by subway line 4 or 5 to Forskningsparken subway stop, or by tram 17 or 18 to Forskningsparken tram stop. From there it’s only a minute or two to walk to the playing area.


We will try to offer private accommodation to everyone who wants this. If you desire accommodation make sure to note it on the registration page, and we will see what we can do.

Registration (non-binding)

You can register here: Registration page

Registered players

Rapport, Trondheim Open 2017

Trondheim Goklubb sin første turnering, Trondheim Open 2017, ble arrangert 25.-26. februar og var en knallsuksess! Det var totalt 17 deltakere, hvorav 10 fra Trondheim, 4 fra Oslo og 3 fra Bergen. Vi er veldig fornøyd med hvor mange som kom, og håper at enda flere vil komme neste år. Her kommer en rapport fra hvordan det gikk under turneringen!

Continue reading Rapport, Trondheim Open 2017