Norwegian Go Championships 2024

Tournament information

Tournament system: 5 rounds MacMahon
Rule system: EGF rules with 6½ komi
Playing time: Fischer, 45 minutes + 15s/move

Tournament Fee
normal: 200kr
student/retirees: 100kr
First tournament/under 15: Free


Saturday October 26thSunday October 27th
10:00 Registration
10:30 Registration ends
10:45 Round 1
14:00 Round 2
17:00 Dinner
18:00 Round 3
10:00 Round 4
13:00 Round 5
16:00 Closing ceremony


The tournament will take place in Oslo at Ole-Johan Dahls hus located at Gaustadalleen 23.

The easiest way to get there from the city center is by subway line 4 or 5 to Forskningsparken subway stop, or by tram 17 or 18 to Forskningsparken tram stop. From there it’s only a minute or two to walk to the playing area.


We will try to offer private accommodation to everyone who wants this. If you desire accommodation make sure to note it on the registration page, and we will see what we can do.

Registration (non-binding)

You can register here: Registration page

Registered players

Oppstart på IFI for Oslo Goklubb

Det er ett nytt semester og Oslo Goklubb flytter tilbake til våre vante lokaler ved Kantinen til IFI (Ole Johan Dahls hus).
Vi vil spille der fra kl. 17:00 – 21:00 vær Onsdag.
Addresse: Gaustadalléen 23B

Klubben er åpne for alle og vi er alltid glade for å få inn nybegynnerne.
Om du ikke finner oss kan du prøve å kontakte Jon på 91602739.

Vi har også en Facebook gruppe man kan joine her:

[English version]

A new semester is upon us and Oslo Goclub will move back to it’s usual place in the IFI cafeteria (Ole Johan Dahls hus).
We will be playing there every wednesday from 17:00 – 21:00.

Address: Gaustadalléen 23B

If you have trouble finding us you can also try contacting Jon on 91602739
Everyone is welcome to join and you don’t need to know anything about Go beforehand.

We also have a facebook group you can join here:

Vi flytter til botaniske hage

English version below

Hei, sommer er i full gang og Oslo Goklubb kommer nå til å flytte spillingen fra våre faste lokaler hoss IFI til uteSpilling i Botaniske hage ut sommeren.

Her er lenke fra Google maps til hvor vi kommer til å sitte:

Nærmeste T-bane stasjon vil være Tøyen og det tar cirka 5 minutter gange å komme seg til oss fra stoppet.

Vi kommer til å spille der vær onsdag fra 17:00 – 21:00 gjennom sommeren.

Om dere har noen spørsmål kan dere sende det til

eller sende spørsmål i facebook gruppen våres:

Om dere ikke finner frem eller ser oss kan du også prøve å ringe Jon (Leder i Oslo Goklubb) på +47 91602739.

Håper å se dere der

Vennlig hilsen Oslo Goklubb

[english version]

Hi, Oslo Goclub is moving our usual club playing from IFI to the botanical garden at Tøyen. Here is a more exact google maps link for where we will sit and play:

We will be there every wednesday from 17:00 – 21:00 trough the summer.

the nearest transport station would be the Tøyen subway station, which is a 5 minutes walk from our playing area.

If you have any questions you can send us an email at or ask us in our facebook group:

Also If you are struggling to find us you can also try contact Jon (leader for oslo goclub) at +47 91602739.

Hope to see you there

Oslo Open 2024

English version below.

Vi i Oslo Goklubb kan endelig ønske alle Gospillere hjertelig velkommen til Oslo Open 2024.
Turneringen vil bli avholdt 20 og 21 April og spillested vil som vanlig være på IFI sin kafeteria ved UiO.

Dette er en åpen turnering hvor alle nivåer er velkomne.

Adresse: Gaustadalléen 23B

Dato 20- 21 April

Enkleste måten å komme seg til turneringen ved kollektivtransport er å ta T-banen til forskningsparken stoppet og gå derfra i ca 2 min.

Turnerings informasjon

Oppsett: 5 rounds MacMahon
Regler: EGF rules with 6½ komi
Spilletid: Fischer, 45 minutes + 15s/move


normal: 200 NOK
students and retirees: 100 NOK
spillere under 15 år eller første turnering: Gratis


LØRDAG 20. AprilSØNDAG 21. April
10:00 Registrering
10:30 Registrering avsluttes
10:45 Runde 1
14:00 Runde 2
17:00 SpisePause
18:00 Runde 3
10:00 Runde 4
13:00 Runde 5
16:00 Avslutnings seremony

Registrer deg på Registrerings siden

Har du noen spørsmål er det bare sende oss en mail til

Hjertelig Hilsen Oslo Goklubb


We in Oslo GoClub are happy to finally invite everyone to Oslo open 2024, the 20 – 21 of April.

This is an open tournament where players of all levels are welcome to play.

As usual it will be held in the cafeteria at IFI (Ole Johan Dahls Hus) at Uio.

Address: Gaustadalléen 23B

Date: 20 – 21 April

Tournament information

Tournament system: 5 rounds MacMahon
Rule system: EGF rules with 6½ komi
Playing time: Fischer, 45 minutes + 15s/move


normal: 200 NOK
Students and retirees: 100 NOK
Players below 15 years of age or first tournament: Free

Schedule (tentative)

SATURDAY April 20SUNDAY April 21
10:00 Registration
10:30 Registration ends
10:45 Round 1
14:00 Round 2
17:00 Dinner
18:00 Round 3
10:00 Round 4
13:00 Round 5
16:00 Closing ceremony

Easiest way to get there is to take the Metro to “Forskningsplassen” station.

Register on the registration page

If you have any questions you can contact us at

Best regards Oslo GoClub

Registered players

New year, new semester

Hi, Hope everyone had a Nice holiday.

We are starting the new year fresh off the bat with club playing every Wednesday at our usual place in the IFI Cafeteria 17:00, starting this coming Wednesday (3. January).

If you have trouble finding us you can always try and contact me or send a message at +47 91602739 (Jon)

Address: Gaustadalléen 23B

Time: 17:00 – 21:00

Date: Every Wednesday

Nm 2023 Results

Here is the results from this years NM in Go.

Congratulations to Kaan Malcok for winning the Tournamnet followed by a really strong results of 4 wins by Torsten Bringmann and in 3. place our new Norwegian master Pål Sannes!

Thanks to everyone who participated it was really fun and also a big thanks to everyone who helped with organizing and setting up the tournament.

Hope to see you all again next year:).

Norwegian Championship 2023

Tournament information

Tournament system: 5 rounds MacMahon
Rule system: EGF rules with 6½ komi
Playing time: Fischer, 45 minutes + 15s/move

Tournament Fee
normal: 200kr
student/retirees: 100
First tournament/under 15: Free

Schedule (tentative)

Saturday October 28thSunday October 29th
10:00 Registration
10:30 Registration ends
10:45 Round 1
14:00 Round 2
17:00 Dinner
18:00 Round 3
10:00 Round 4
13:00 Round 5
16:00 Closing ceremony


The tournament will take place at Ole-Johan Dahls hus located at Gaustadalleen 23.

Easiest way to get there from downtown Oslo is by subway line 4 or 5 to Forskningsparken subway stop, or by tram 17 or 18 to Forskningsparken tram stop. From there it’s only a minute or two to walk to the playing area.


We will try to offer private accommodation to everyone who wants this. If you desire accommodation make sure to note it on the registration page, and we’ll see what we can do.

Registration (non-binding)

You can register here: Registration page

Registered players