The summer has come to Oslo and we have stopped playing at our regular place at Ifi for the summer, and instead we will be playing in Oslo’s Botanical garden from 18:00 on wednesdays .
Here’s an overview of the entrance to use to the garden from google maps.
Oslo Go Club has the pleasure to invite everyone to the Nordic Go Championship 2023, played in Oslo over the Easter Weekend, the 7th to 9th of April.
The tournament is open for everyone.
Tournament information
Tournament system: 6 rounds MacMahon Rule system: EGF rules with 6 1/2 komi Playing time: 60 minutes main time with 20 seconds added for each move played (Fischer time)
Tournament fee, normal: 400 NOK Tournament fee, students and retirees: 200 NOK Tournament fee, players below 15 years of age: Free
The tournament will be held in the capitol of Norway Oslo.
We will play at Nydalen samfunnshus located at Gjerdrums vei 1, Oslo.
Getting there
You can take the metro to “Nydalen” station and walk about 7 minutes to the location or you can take the bus to “Tamburveien” station for a 2 minute walk. To see what specific busses or metro to take I recommend using either the local site They also have an app just called “Ruter” or use google maps.
We will try to offer private accommodation to everyone who wants this. If you desire accommodation make sure to note it on the registration page when it comes up and we’ll see what we can do.
Det er et nytt semester og som vanlig flytter vi nå tilbake til å spille i kantinen på IFI bygget den kommende Onsdagen fra kl. 17:00 (17.08.2022).
Håper alle har hatt en flott sommer og gleder meg til endelig å kunne spille go og sees igjen.
Bygg: Ole-Johan Dahls hus, ved UiO kampus
Adresse: Gaustadalléen 23B.
Tid: 17:00 – 21:00, hver Onsdag.
om du har noen spørsmål eller trenger hjelp til å finne frem kan du sende oss en mail på eller kontakte meg(Jon) på dette nummeret : 91602739
In English:
The new semester is here and as usual we will move back to ifi to play at our usual spot in the IFI canteen this coming Wednesday from 17:00 (17.08.2022).
Building: Ole-Johan Dahls hus, at UiO campus.
address: Gaustadalléen 23B.
Time: 17:00 – 21:00, every Wednesday.
Hope you all have had a wonderful summer and really looking forward to play some go and meet you again.
If you have any questions or need help finding us you can send us an email to or contact me(Jon) on this number: 91602739
The summer has come to Oslo and we have stopped playing at our regular place at Ifi for the summer, and instead we will be playing in Oslo’s Botanical garden from 18:00 on wednesdays .
Here’s an overview of the entrance to use to the garden from google maps.
Vi i Oslo Goklubb kan endelig ønske alle Gospillere hjertelig velkommen til Oslo Open 2022. Turneringen vil bli avholdt 21 og 22 mai og spillested vil som vanlig være på IFI sin kafeteria ved UiO.
Dette er en åpen turnering hvor alle nivåer er velkomne.
Adresse: Gaustadalléen 23B
Dato 21 – 22 Mai
Enkleste måten å komme seg til turneringen ved kollektivtransport er å ta T-banen til forskningsparken stoppet og gå derfra i ca 2 min.
Oslo Goclub is happy to invite everyone back to Ifi for some more Go!
Because of the change in the national regulations recently, Oslo Goclub will start with regular playing every wednesday at Ifi again!
As usual we will be playing at the Ifi cafeteria from 17:00 – 21:00
Adresse: Gaustadalléen 23B, 0373 Oslo
Time: 17:00 -21:00, wednesday’s
Hope everyone is doing alright and looking forward to meeting everyone again and finally get to play some go face to face, on a real Go board,
Oslo goklubb kan endelig invitere alle tilbake igjen til regelmessig spillinger ved Ifi på onsdagene fremover. Håper alt fremdeles står bra til. Ser frem til å møte alle igjen og ikke minst endelig få spilt litt go ansikt til ansikt.